Wednesday, November 19, 2008
what makes an american?
where do you see government?
would you vote if you were 18?
rock the vote
I really didn't like this PSA. I know that using celebrities appeals to a large audience. But Pharell really has nothing to do with politics. Sometimes you know that famous people are involved with things like that, but I know that Pharell isn't. He sounded extremely insincere, he might as well have been reading off a teleprompter. It just wasn't effective at all. That is what was so striking.
which party would I register for?
Federalist 10
ideology quiz
political platform
Monday, September 22, 2008
why vote
what it means to be an american
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
musical theatre
American Musical Theater has a set of distinct characteristics that set it apart from other theatrical art forms. Unlike a ballet or an opera, a musical uses song, dialogue, and dance to further a story.
Some different categories of musicals include:
Musical Comedy: "The modern conception of a musical". Musical comedy is a family friendly art form that stars high quality singers.
Operetta- A form of musical theater with positive and light subject matter.
We chose “Chim Chim Cheree” from the musical Mary Poppins mainly because it was a good memorable piece that a lot of people knew from the classic movie. As for our cover, we did a musical summary of the movie 300, which was an epic look at the Battle of Thermopylae. We chose this because each of us liked the movie and knew the story and characters well. The most challenging part of writing a musical was writing the lyrics. We pretty much wrote a poem and so the tricky part was making the syllables in each stanza match up with each other so the rhythm of the song wouldn’t be ruined. As for highlights, all of us would agree that our performances of Chim Chim Cheree were the most fun. We rehearsed well and were able to get our parts memorized easily. It wasn’t long before we actually sounded good.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
101 year old driver
A woman named Lilian Cox has been driving since she was 8. She is now one hundred and one years old and still driving. She just recently had her drivers liscence renewed and it will last her until 2011.
I think 101 is just too old to be driving. She is a threat to society. She could easily die at any moment while on the road. Sure she may be able to drive alright, but would she be able to react to someone else's mistakes at the same rate as someone like me. I think that old people driving is just not a good idea in general.
Friday, May 23, 2008
current event
new york times
a new study has been started that has turned out to be a cure to alzshimers. They descovered this when testing mice. Basically they found how to prevent it before it even happens. This will be similar to the polio vaccination. It basically blocks something in your brain from being produced that causes alzhimers.
I think that this is a great advancement in science. Alzhimers affects so many americans each year, and if they are able to create a vaccination that can eliminate it that would be great for society.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
article response
By Matt Baxter found on
I do understand some of the points that he makes in the article. But for the most part I completely disagree. Computers are a completely necessary part of our education system. All schools should be able to supply its students with computers. The world we live in today is using less and less paper, and more and more computers. We do not write letters, we send emails. We do not write out our papers in nice hand writing, we type them. We do not look through text books and encyclopedias to access our information. We simply find it on the internet. High tech high is the model for what schools should look like, in terms of technology. Every person in our school has access to a laptop any time of day. We have projectors in all of our classrooms for the teachers to display what is on their computer without the use of old annoying overheads. The author of the article does make a good point about the high cost of buying books for schools, and that they constantly need to be updated. I completely agree with this statement. But it is basically an argument for why computers are the perfect solution for replacing textbooks. The internet automatically updates its information without the government having to pay the 30,000 dollars that he said it costs to replace the books. I believe that computers are the perfect solution to this problem. Here at our school we do not need books, because we have all the information we need right in front of us on the computer. Schools do need to have computers in order to keep up with the technological world. High Tech High is a perfect school to model that thinking around.
Friday, May 16, 2008
current event
I think that it is really good that she did this. She felt alone and hopeless before she posted this video. But after she recieved support from so many people. The other good thing about this is that many other people who have been victims of rape, have also posted similar videos on youtube. So this girl helped herself, but she also inspired other victims to tell their stories on the internet.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
book report
Paulsen, Gary. Brians Hunt. New York, NY. sen Wendy Lamb Books: December 23, 2003.
Reason, Type and Setting: I really like Gary Paulsen and I really like survival books. I really liked reading Hatchet, Brians winter, and The River. But I was eager to get back in to the story of Brian Robeson after finding out that there was yet another story in this excellent series. This book is similar to hatchet but many variables have changed. He is in a different place with lots of wilderness. Also this time he is very prepared this time, also he is there by choice. This book is a survival story.
Plot: Basically there is a boy named Brian Robeson. He is pretty much a survival expert now. He has been living a normal life in New York and has realized that he belongs in nature. So he decides to return to where he belongs for yet another summer. He brings with him a large amount of supplies including a canoe, and bow and arrow, tent, sleeping bag, pots, lighters, etc. He travels along the river by day and makes camp at the shore every night. During his travels he encounters an injured dog that he cares for. The dogs injury has a horrific story tied behind it.
Character: Brian Robeson. He is a now a 17 year old boy. I really don't know what he looks like. I know that in the start of Hatchet he was slightly chubby. But by the end of that book he had become very lean and mean, so i guess that is what he looks like now. He is a very determined person. He is dedicated to survival. I chose him because he is the only character. He is very interesting because he is able to handle problems so well. He can take new situations and adapt to them very easily. I think that It would be extremely hard to survive in the conditions that Brian does. But like always Brian handles it very well and gets out in the end still alive.
I definitely liked the novel. It was very interesting and entertaining. This story taught me a lot about surviving on the water. Before he had been surviving with a shelter to go home to every night. Now he is living on a canoe basically. He had to make his fires on the shore at night, he had to survive rapids, he had to fish in a moving canoe. So it definitely taught me a lot of new things about survival.
This book is real life. It reminds me that some people in the world today actually have to live like this. Live in caves. Hunt for food. Make your own raft from trees and vines. Make tools themselves. Most people in this situation aren't even lucky enough to have a knife like Brian does. It is important to read. You appreciate the life that you live more after reading this book.
I think that I would have done everything the same. I think that I, like Brian, would have been very skeptical at first of taking in the dog. The dog could potentially be very dangerous. But what I've learned from reading Gary Paulsens books is that living in the wilderness can become extremely lonely, and that having a dog along could provide excellent company.
Author, Context and Trivia:
Gary Paulsen writes a lot of survival books. I have read two about Brian Robeson being a survivor from a plane crash in Canada and another about a boy who fights in the civil war. All of these stories were really good. This book is similar but very different. But I would definetley say that they were all very good. I would definitely read this author again, he is becoming one of my new favorites. If I find anymore in this series I will read them.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
non profit
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
book report
Paulsen, Gary. Brians Return. New York, NY. Mass Market Paperback: May 8 2001.
Reason, Type and Setting: I really like Gary Paulsen and I really like survival books. I really liked reading Hatchet, Brians winter, and The River. But I was eager to get back in to the story of Brian Robeson after finding out that there was yet another story in this excellent series. This book is similar to hatchet but many variables have changed. He is in a different place with lots of wilderness. Also this time he is very prepared this time, also he is there by choice. This book is a survival story.
Plot: Basically there is a boy named Brian Robeson. He is pretty much a survival expert now. He has been living a normal life in New York and has realized that he belongs in nature. So he decides to return to where he belongs 4 the summer. He brings with him a large amount of supplies including a canoe, and bow and arrow, tent, sleeping bag, pots, lighters, etc. He travels along the river by day and makes camp at the shore every night. It is a very exciting story with lots of enteresting problems along the way.
Character: Brian Robeson. He is a now a 17 year old boy. I really don't know what he looks like. I know that in the start of Hatchet he was slightly chubby. But by the end of that book he had become very lean and mean, so i guess that is what he looks like now. He is a very determined person. He is dedicated to survival. I chose him because he is the only character. He is very interesting because he is able to handle problems so well. He can take new situations and adapt to them very easily. I think that It would be extremely hard to survive in the conditions that Brian does. But like always Brian handles it very well and gets out in the end still alive.
I definitely liked the novel. It was very interesting and entertaining. This story taught me a lot about surviving on the water. Before he had been surviving with a shelter to go home to every night. Now he is living on a canoe basically. He had to make his fires on the shore at night, he had to survive rapids, he had to fish in a moving canoe. So it definitely taught me a lot of new things about survival.
This book is real life. It reminds me that some people in the world today actually have to live like this. Live in caves. Hunt for food. Make your own raft from trees and vines. Make tools themselves. Most people in this situation aren't even lucky enough to have a knife like brian does. It is important to read. You appreciate the life that you live more after reading this book.
I think that I would have done everything the same. Well actually I probably wouldnt have been as smart as Brian. For example, every night brian puts all of his food together and ties it up very high in a tree away from his camp to A) keep the bears away from his campsite. And B) so that the bears cant reach his food. That is very smart, and I never would have thought to do that. I would have had to learn the hard way by having a bear eat all my food.
Author, Context and Trivia:
Gary Paulsen writes a lot of survival books. I have read two about Brian Robeson being a survivor from a plane crash in Canada and another about a boy who fights in the civil war. All of these stories were really good. This book is similar but very different. But I would definetley say that they were all very good. I would definitely read this author again, he is becoming one of my new favorites. If I find anymore in this series I will read them.
Friday, April 18, 2008
current event
So these scientists have been using supercomputers to figure out how to solve the rubiks cube in the fewest number of moves. With an average cube, using the normal method it takes over a hundred moves. These scientists managed to create a computer code paired with a supercomputer that could solve the cube in about 26 moves.
This is pretty awesome. I cant even imagine being able to solve the cube in 26 moves. Its like a breakthrough in rubiks cubing. I wish that I could learn the method in solving the cube in the fewest moves, but im sure that the code would be impossible for a human to do.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
current event
okay so there was this lady from Minneapolis was walking her dog. She has a yellow lab. Apparently this dog must be this lady's entire life. anyway, shes walking her dog and all of the sudden a viscous pit bull comes out of nowhere and pins her dog on the ground. It had the dog by the neck and would not let go. The lady tried everything she could to separate them. Eventually she ended up biting the pit bull on the nose so hard that it bled, and ended up letting go her dog. Animal control then took over from there.
I think this is kind of dumb. Well just dumb that CNN would have this as a headline story. I mean a lady bit a dog on the nose. Big deal. I mean sure thats cool and all, she must really love her dog. But i mean thats really dangerous to do that. To bite a pit bull, which is an extremely powerful animal isnt really the smartest thing in the world. but hey If thats true love, then thats true love.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
book report
Author Last, First Name. Title of the book. Place of Publication. Company: Date.
Paulsen, Gary. The River. New York, NY. Dell Laurel-Leaf: November 2004.
Reason, Type and Setting: I really like Gary Paulsen and I really like survival books. I really liked reading Hatchet, brians winter, and soldiers heart. But i was eager to get back in to the story of Brian Robeson after reading the book for my war documentary. This book is similar to hatchet but many variables have changed. He is in a different place with lots of wilderness. It is still a survival story.
Plot: Basically there is a boy named Brian Robeson. He is pretty much a survival expert now. He gets offered a job to teach a guy how to do the same survival things he did when he had been stranded on the lake. Only now he is only supplied with a small knife, also he has the task of looking out for someone else. This becomes extremely burdoning when in a storm the man is put in a coma from a falling tree branch. This forces Brian to build a raft and travel down the river until he finds help.
Character: Brian Robeson. He is a now a 17 year old boy. I really don't know what he looks like. I know that in the start of Hatchet he was slightly chubby. But by the end of that book he had become very lean and mean, so i guess that is what he looks like now. He is a very determined person. He is dedicated to survival. He is pretty much the only character because the other guy is in it for a little bit, but for the majority of the book he is just in a coma. So I chose him pretty much because he is the only character. He is very interesting because he is in such a crazy situation that would be so hard to survive in. This situation turned out to be much different than the one before at the lake. But like always Brian handles it very well and gets out in the end with both of them still alive.
I definitely liked the novel. It was very interesting and entertaining. This story taught me a lot about surviving on the water. Before he had been surviving with a shelter to go home to every night. Now he is living on a raft. He had to make his fires on the raft, he had to survive rapids, he had to fish in a moving raft. So it definitely taught me a lot of new things about survival.
This book is real life. It reminds me that some people in the world today actually have to live like this. Live in caves. Hunt for food. Make your own raft from trees and vines. Make tools themselves. Most people in this situation aren't even lucky enough to have a knife like brian does. It is important to read. You appreciate the life that you live more after reading this book.
I think that I would have done everything the same. It would have been very hard, but I would have done the work necessary to survive. I also would have taken on the challenge of keeping the other guy alive. Even though it would suck its just one of those moral things. Like you do it because you know that if it were the other way that guy would do the same for you. I have actually always thought that it would be really cool to be in a situation like this. But I definitely wouldnt enjoy having to take care of someone in a coma. I would not enjoy that.
Author, Context and Trivia:
Gary Paulsen writes a lot of survival books. I have read two about Brian Robeson being a survivor from a plane crash in Canada and another about a boy who fights in the civil war. All of these stories were really good. This book is similar but very different. But I would definetley say that they were all very good. I would definitely read this author again, he is becoming one of my new favorites. If I find anymore in this series i will read them.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
war book report
Author Last, First Name. Title of the book. Place of Publication. Company: Date.
Paulsen, Gary. Soldiers Heart. New York, NY. Dell Laurel-Leaf: October 1998.
Reason, Type and Setting: I really like Gary Paulsen and I really like survival books. I really liked reading Hatchet, and Brians Winter. Because I am really liking this author I thought it would be perfect to read soldiers heart when i found out that it was on the war I was researching. The book is a war book. It takes place in the Civil War.
Plot: Basically there is a boy named Charley Goddard. He leaves his family's farm at the age of fifteen to enlist in the first Minnesota Volunteers. He was too young to enlist, like many boys of that time. But, like many boys of that time he lied about his age and said he was eighteen. This is a fictional story but Gary Paulsen makes sure to involve Charley in most of the main battles of the civil war. Charley was extremely lucky to survive by the end. Each battle he is in he nearly escapes death.
Character: Charley. At the beginning of the book Charley is only a fifteen year old boy. He wants to join the army to be part of the adventure. To follow with what everybody else was doing at the time. To become a man. By the end of the story he is nineteen. He has been through a lot by then. He has received multiple bullet injuries by this point. He has seen some pretty horrific things from war. By the end of the story he has what is called, a soldiers heart.
I definitely liked the novel. It was very interesting and entertaining. It also taught me a lot about the civil war. How nobody really knew what they were fighting for. How brutal it was. How dumb and simple the war was. To simply line up in rows on both sides and just fire. It was a very sad story, this fifteen year old boy goes through some pretty traumatic life changing experiences in a matter of four years.
This book is completely real life. Everything from this story happened for the most part. Not actually this exact story, but many like it. All of the battles actually happened. Paulsen was also very descriptive and informative about each battle. I received a very clear idea of the differences between all the battles.
Had I been in his situation I may have acted differently. During that time if I were fifteen, I probably would have joined the army. I would have liked the adventure and all that. But the difference for me would have been after the first battle. After the first battle I would realize the horrific bloodiness of the war and realize how dangerous it was. After that I would still take part in the war, yet I would be as cautious as possible, also I would get out of fighting whenever possible. I would do this by taking advantage of an injury by becoming hospitalized for as long as possible, something like that.
Author, Context and Trivia:
Gary Paulsen writes a lot of survival books. I have read two about Brian Robeson being a survivor from a plane crash in Canada and another about a boy who lost from his family on the Oregon trail. All of these stories were really good. This book is similar but very different. But I would definetley they were all very good. I would definitely read this author again, he is becoming one of my new favorites.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
what is art
The question of is grafiti art. In my opinion sometimes yes, and sometimes no. So when you are driving up to LA and you see huge murals of gang names on the sides of the freeway, that is art. It is elaborate and beautiful. So in that sense, that grafiti is definitley art. But when someone just paints a few letters of their gang on a trash can, that is not art.
Friday, February 29, 2008
current event

civil war
Mason Newstead
Elika Dadsetan
Per 1/2
The Civil war lasted for four years , it went from April 12 , 1861 to April 9 , 1865. It was Americas most deadly war. The roughly 620 ,000 casualties were all American deaths. This war changed a lot of things in America. It was the war that ended slavery. Basically the South wanted to succeed and the North wanted to end slavery which created very high tensions between the two. The war was a very horrible one because it really broke down America. Every casualty in the war was that of an American citizen. Every building destroyed was an American building that would later need to be rebuilt regardless of the winner. Although there were many bad things about it , it did happen for a reason. Had the south succeeded , or had the outcome of the war been different , our country could be much different then the one we are accustomed to today in everyday life here in America.
With the slave owning South and the anti slavery North tensions began to escalate. During the the 1850's Abraham Lincoln was the president. He had the difficult task of deciding whether or not to allow slavery any longer. He made the effort to stop it by banning it in the new states that America was acquiring , this was during a time when we were expanding quite rapidly. He figured that the states that didn't believe in slavery would do their own thing , and slavery would end up being abolished their on its own. He figured that If he did not allow it in the new states then slavery would be contained enough to the point where the southern states that did own slaves would eventually become non slave owning states. The problem was that the south also saw this coming and they did not want to loose their power. During this time The south had a lot of control of the federal government. The North's fears were that the slave powers of the South already controlled the government. While the South was afraid that the anti-slave North was a threat to their power in the federal government. Tensions continued to escalate in America. The North evaluated the morality of slavery more and more and a general consensus formed in the North that slavery was wrong. Many people gathered in their political parties at that time. Although many thought that slavery was right and many people thought that slavery was wrong , they still had different ideas about what the government should be doing. First there were the republicans who were completely antislavery. Then there was the free soil party who wanted to prevent the spread of slavery , like Lincoln , although by 1854 they were pretty much absorbed by republican party. Then there were the democrats who were entirely pro slavery. Lastly there was the constitutional union. They were pro slavery , but their approach to it was to simply not do anything and leave things how they were. So their were four parties , an extreme and a mild approach from both sides. What is kind of funny about this is that today democrats are regarded more as the party that cares about human issues like gay rights or immigrant rights , things along that line. Also the republicans today are the ones that are more interested in money and doing the more profitable thing. So if the views of the modern day republican and democratic party were given the issue of slavery in the 1850's they would have been the exact opposite from that which they actually back in that time. The democrats of today would be antislavery , while the republicans of today would be proslavery. But , that isn't a completely valid argument. The republicans really didn't view slavery as a big human rights violation that needed to be stopped. It was more that they wanted to slow down the moment of the south to keep them from taking over. The reason that the South was doing so well was because of slavery and the massive amount of free labor that was because of it. So if the North were to cut out slavery in the South , then they would in turn loose all of their free work force in turn weakening the South to the extent that the North would gain political power over the United States. Over time tensions continued to grow between the North and South. Their main problem with each other was simply slavery. Having a war was pretty much inevitable. Up until the point of the civil war the North and South had been making simple compromises when dealing with the issue of slavery. Such as the gag rule , which restricted the discussion in congress of petitions for ending slavery between 1835 and 1844. Or the compromise of 1850 which decided which states that were gained after the Mexican American war would become slave states or not. Although the North and South were attempting compromise it really wasn't doing much. The North and South were being rapidly torn apart. War or succession was right around the corner. Congress did nothing but fight about the issues of slavery. The economy was at a standstill because trade became very limited between the North and South. When the proposition of a railroad to be put in across the United States , too much controversy arrived simply because members from the North and South in government simply could not agree on anything by now. The North and South were basically hanging together by a thread in 1860. That thread was severed when republican Abraham Lincoln was elected in to office. Regional leaders of the South agreed that Abraham Lincoln would be the one that would put an end to slavery and they could not have that. They decided that the only thing to do would be to succeed. This was the start of the war.
The deep Southern states that were the most prevalent for having the larger amount of slavery were the states that seceded first. Following their secession four more Southern states joined in after the Battle of Fort Sumter joined with Lincoln's call for each remaining state to provide troops to retake forts and fight back the secession. The upper South states said that they refused send troops to fight against their fellow neighbors in what they thought to be an invasion. The Secession of these states took place during February of 1861. The 7 states that seceded were South Carolina , Mississippi , Florida , Alabama , Georgia , Louisiana , and Texas. These seven states formed the Confederate States of America on February 4 , 1861. Their president was a man by the name of Jefferson Davis. Their governmental structure was pretty much identical to that of the United States Constitution. As mentioned previously , two months following the battle of Fort Sumter four more slave states had now joined the Confederacy. These states were; Virginia , Arkansas , North Carolina , and Tennessee. The northwestern part of Virginia Seceded from Virginia and joined the Union in turn creating the state which remains to this day , West Virginia.
The Union had a much larger support of states. The Union consisted of: California , Connecticut , Delaware , Illinois , Indiana , Iowa , Kansas , Kentucky , Maine , Maryland , Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Missouri , New Hampshire , New Jersey , New York , Ohio , Oregon , Pennsylvania , Rhode Island , Vermont , Wisconsin , Nevada and West Virginia. The Union also received support from territories such as: Colorado , Dakota , Nebraska , Nevada , New Mexico , Utah , and Washington. So it was pretty obvious that the Union had a lot more manpower. But, they did not have as much motivation as the South. It could have been just like the revolutionary war. Although Britain was much stronger that America, America prevailed because it was either win the war or die. They had no alternative. Same with the South In this case. They were going out on a limb. They were risking it all to remain a powerful slave state. So, you know that a country like this is not going to give up without a fight.
Dr Marjorie Bloy. “The battles.” Historyhome. 2005. 28. Feb. 2008
Otto H. Olsen . “slaves.” Southernhistory. 2008. 28. Feb. 2008
Don E. Fehrenbacher. “civil war.” Historycooperative. 2007. 28. Feb. 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
book report
Author Last, First Name. Title of the book. Place of Publication. Company: Date.
Paulsen, Gary. Brians Winter. New York, NY. Simon Pulse Paperbacks: October 1999.
Reason, Type and Setting: I really like Gary Paulsen and I really like survival books. I really liked reading Hatchet, and this was the next book in the series so I decided to read it. The book is a survival book. It takes place in the 90's
Plot: Basically there is a boy named Brian. He is in a small airplane heading to canada to see his father. During the flight the pilot has a heart attack. Brian is left of the airplane in the middle of nowhere. In the first book he ends up being rescued at the end. But this book is about what would have happened if he had not been rescued and what it would have been like for him to survive during the winter.
In the winter he faces harsh weather. It is extremely cold and there is snow everywhere. There are many bad things because of this, but some good. First of all he needs to make warmer clothes wich he does not have. Also he needs snow shoes to walk in the snow. But the nice thing about the winter is that it is very easy to track animals because of the prints that they leave in the snow.
Character: Brian. He is a 15 year old boy. I really don't know what he looks like. I know by the end of the story he is very slim but in good shape. He is a very determined person. He is dedicated to survival. Well he is simply the main and only character in the story. I chose him because he is the only character. He is very interesting because he is in such a crazy situation that would be so hard to survive in. He is very changed by the end. He is very independent and extremely good at survival. He also doesn't take things for granted anymore.
I definitely liked the novel. It was very interesting and entertaining. It also taught me a lot about survival. I liked that tjis one explains surviving in the winter. In the first book I learned how to survive in the summer, so how to avoid mosquitos and how to fish. Then in this book I learned how to make snow shoes and how to make clothing from animal fur. The books point about life is that the life we live is a very easy one and that if we didn't live in the society that we lived in it could potentially be extremely hard to live. I would definitely recommend this book. It is really good and I know that it appeals to a wide variety of people.
This book is real life. It reminds me that some people in the world today actually have to live like this. Live in caves. Hunt for food. Make clothing from animal fur. Make tools themselves. Most people in this situation aren't even lucky enough to have a hatchet. It is important to read. You appreciate the life that you live more after reading this book.
I think that I would have done everything the same. It would have been very hard, but I would have done the work necessary to survive. I have actually always thought that it would be really cool to be in a situation like this. But I definitely wouldnt enjoy the freezing cold winter. I would not enjoy that. It would just be way to cold, and way to hard. There would be too much effort put in to just keeping warm. Another ending could have been that he never discovered the hunting family and that he could live in the wilderness for the rest of his life.
Author, Context and Trivia:
Gary Paulsen writes a lot of survival books. I have read one about a soldier in the revolutionary war and another about a boy lost from his family on the Oregon trail. Both of these stories were really good. This book is similar but very different. Yet they were all very good. I would definitely read this author again.
Friday, February 15, 2008
current event
yesterday in ventura county a 14 year old middle school student was shot in the head during the middle of class by a classmate. the name of the boy that was shot is lawrence king. He was shot by another 14 year old by the name of Brandon Mcinerey. This shooting was thought to be a hate crime. Students at the school reported that the victim was openly gay and that the shooter had had a verbal confrontation with him the day before the shooting. Currently king is on life support, but he was deemed completely braindead. His organs will be donated. Brandon Mcinerey will face 50 years to life in jail.
I think this is pretty sad on both sides. First of all there was a 14 year old that was killed for a really dumb reason. He did nothing wrong, he difinitely did not deserve to die, just for being gay. Brandon Mcinerey should not have shot him, he did a very horrible thing. But, this 14 year old is about to spend at least the next 50 years in jail. Obviously he deserves to be severely punished. But this inncident is pretty much taking away two lives from socioty.