Thursday, April 3, 2008

current event

okay so there was this lady from Minneapolis was walking her dog. She has a yellow lab. Apparently this dog must be this lady's entire life. anyway, shes walking her dog and all of the sudden a viscous pit bull comes out of nowhere and pins her dog on the ground. It had the dog by the neck and would not let go. The lady tried everything she could to separate them. Eventually she ended up biting the pit bull on the nose so hard that it bled, and ended up letting go her dog. Animal control then took over from there.

I think this is kind of dumb. Well just dumb that CNN would have this as a headline story. I mean a lady bit a dog on the nose. Big deal. I mean sure thats cool and all, she must really love her dog. But i mean thats really dangerous to do that. To bite a pit bull, which is an extremely powerful animal isnt really the smartest thing in the world. but hey If thats true love, then thats true love.

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