Wednesday, November 19, 2008

which party would I register for?

I would most likely register democrat because I share most of their beliefs. But I really dont like being tied down by a party. I like to be able to believe whatever I want to believe and not be influenced to think a certain way because my party tells me to. My ideal party would be somewhat of a democrat/libertarian party. I believe that people should have a lot of personal freedoms. I believe that women should be allowed to have abortions, gay people should be allowed to marry, etc. I believe that people should have more freedoms than they do today. I think that people should be allowed to do drugs, it should be a personal choice, not something decided by the government. I do believe in a drinking age, but I would like it to be lowered. I would like our country to focus more on our own affairs rather than other countries. I would like to have a strong military prepared for a strong defense. But I think that the military we have today is unnecessary. These are my basic ideals behind my own platform.

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