Friday, February 15, 2008

current event,0,7663055.story

yesterday in ventura county a 14 year old middle school student was shot in the head during the middle of class by a classmate. the name of the boy that was shot is lawrence king. He was shot by another 14 year old by the name of Brandon Mcinerey. This shooting was thought to be a hate crime. Students at the school reported that the victim was openly gay and that the shooter had had a verbal confrontation with him the day before the shooting. Currently king is on life support, but he was deemed completely braindead. His organs will be donated. Brandon Mcinerey will face 50 years to life in jail.

I think this is pretty sad on both sides. First of all there was a 14 year old that was killed for a really dumb reason. He did nothing wrong, he difinitely did not deserve to die, just for being gay. Brandon Mcinerey should not have shot him, he did a very horrible thing. But, this 14 year old is about to spend at least the next 50 years in jail. Obviously he deserves to be severely punished. But this inncident is pretty much taking away two lives from socioty.

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