This project consisted of making an Advertisement Poster & a write up description. My partner was Josh and we chose to use the Jonas Brothers as the main factor in our advertisement. The reason behind this was because they are an influential teenage band and they many teens listen to them and what they have to say. In short, if they see that the Jonas Brothers are endorsing something, they will be compelled to at least check it out.
Poster Write Up
The technique we used in this project is celebrity influence. With the Jonas Brothers advertising the Depends brand diapers, it is going to influence other teens to wear them. This is because the Jonas Brothers are a very influential teeny bopper band, and the teeny bopper crowd is an increasing population in American Society. If you can advertise and influence teenagers, then you control a large portion of the market because they are such a large force. With this advertisement we will be targeting age groups between 10 and 16 years old because kids that age are usually interested in teen boy bands. Within this age group, we will be targeting girls since they would be most likely to be into the Jonas Brothers.
Connection is a very important thing when it comes to advertising to a young crowd. They don’t want to feel like they are being talked down to, and want some sort of similarity and connection between a product and/or advertiser. The use of a quote also really helps advertise the product because the customer feels a sort of connection to the Jonas Brothers. It feels like the brothers are actually speaking to the customer and showing their feelings. With the Jonas Brothers directly saying that they endorse Depends, it makes a direct connection to the customer and makes them feel that if they wear Depends, they will be in a way closer to the Jonas Brothers. Also, the Jonas Brothers portray a very cool image, with glasses and very nice clothes, so if the customer purchases Depends, they will feel cooler too. They will feel like they own something that a celebrity owns, automatically elevating their status among their peers.
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