Wednesday, December 19, 2007

flying dog

John woke up he looked around his filthy apartment. It smelled like sweat and sex and drugs. He hated it. He really needed money. He had a son as well, they both hadn't eaten in the past two days. It was hard being an out of work photographer. He needed money pretty soon. He walked in to his sons room and saw that he was watching television. It was a cartoon about a flying dog. John suddenly had an idea. He went to the backyard and called his German Shepard inside to eat. He brought out an old can of dog food that he had been saving. The dog hadn't eaten in a while either. He dumped it in to a bowl. On top of the food he poured some lighter fluid and a handful of assorted drugs he had found lying around. That should do the trick he said. He layed the bowl on the ground and the dog devoured it. Soon after he was dead. He took the dog outside and layed him in the street. He picked some flowers from his next door neighbors yard and set them up behind the dog. He went inside and got his camera and his son. He told his son that the dog had been hit by a car and that it might come back to life if he sat on top of it as if he were riding it. So of course the crying son agreed. As he was sitting on the dog John snapped a picture. It was a dead dog on the ground with some flowers behind it and a kid sitting on top riding it. It looked like a flying dog. He went inside and developed the photo. Later that day he was able to sell the picture for 200 dollars. On his way home he decided he would go to the grocery store. But before he made it to the store he passed a dealer and couldn't resist. He bought 200 dollars worth of heroin and shot up right then on the spot.

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