The picture on the left is what he looked like during his mid forties. The picture on the right is one I have designed. Based on our studies from his family, it is believed that he would have gained an extreme amount of wight during the next 20 years as well as lost all hair. We created this image to best match these circumstances.
Brief History: Lord Cornwallis lived from 1738 to 1805 which is a pretty significant age back then. He was very involved in military as well as politics. He is actually most known by Americans for his defeat at the battle of Yorktown during the revolutionary war. This was somewhat of a turning point in the war, and this was a very important battle. He fought the majority of his wars in Ireland and India. His role in government was also quite important. Following the death of his father in 1762 he inherited a position in to the house of lords. While in the house of lords he sympathized with the American colonists and voted against the Declaratory Act in 1766 which would basically put more restrictions on the American Colonies
Lord Cornwallis was about 6 feet tall and weighed about 225 pounds. He wore custom made clothes according to his rather large weight. He had gray hair that was combed down and curled by the ears in the way many people did during this time.
Financial statements:
I was unable to track any financial statements. But he was born in to quite a wealthy family. His father, Earl Cornwallis was a member of the house of lords. So to be a lord, you needed to be quite rich.
Favorite foods:
He loved poached turkey
and bacon
Favorite drink:
when at home he often drank expensive wine from Spain. But during war he preferred coffee and whiskey.
Jewelry preference:
Lord cornwallis wore no jewelry
Embarrassing moments:
One time Lord Cornwallis was getting off of his horse in front of his entire troupe of men. While he did this a protruding nail from the saddle snagged his trousers and as he jumped off the entire back of his pants were ripped down. This caused a roar of laughter from the men. Although it was quite embarrassing for lord Cornwallis it was a quite needed moral booster for his men that led them to win their next battle.
Naughty facts – taste in women/men; affairs with other(s):
Lord Cornwallis had a wife at home in Britain, but he had a woman on the side that he fell in love with in India. her name was Ashna, she was a very pretty young girl that taught him to meditate and find his inner self. He loved his wife, but he loved the way that Ashna made him feel. His wife eventually found out and divorced him. He then married Ashna during the last years of his life.
"Commentary on Charles Cornwallis." The American Revolution. American Journey Online. Woodbridge, CT.: Primary Source Microfilm, 1999. Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. HIGH TECH CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL. 19 Dec. 2007 &contentSet=GSRC&type=retrieve&tabID=T001&prodId=SRC-1&docId=EJ2153000286&source=gale&srcprod=SRCG&userGroupName=sand07018&version=1.0>.
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