Wednesday, December 19, 2007

trial reflection

Mock Trial:

I was as prepared as I could have been for the trial. All my work was to be done on the day of the trial with the video camera. I was able to get some more experience working with camera angles and things like that. I also got to see the troubles with loosing video. Becauseat the end I accedently recorded over the defenses opening statement. I think that the defense had the best case because they actually had logic backing them up. Whie the prosecution had only hear say as their arguments. But I definitly would say that both sides came up with some very clever arguments on the spot. Next time I will find the perfect place to video tape from before I start. I also wont make the mistake of recording over video. Well I learned about how horrible humans were in olden times. They would kill people for being witches without any proof. But these days I know that people wouldn’t be killed for being a witch anymore. Our judicial system has advanced a lot since then.


I really do not know enough about our judicial system to say wether or not it assures a fair trial. I have seen law an order a lot but I wouldn’t say that that counts. I do know that innocent people have gone to prision, so that says that our judicial system isn’t perfect. I would say though that our own mock trial allowed for a fair trial. Everybody knew that the accused was innocent and fortuanetly the jury agreed that he was innocent as well.

I think the most important part of the trial was questioning the witnesses. This was the make or break point of the trial. When the lawyers were questioning them it let the jury see the real information. Its much more concrete than the opening statements because that is just the rhedoric of lawyers. But once you get to the witnesses that is where the real information comes out. One good question to a witness can change the outcome of the trial. That is why it is so important.

I believe that I would trust a group of my peers. They are people that are like me and think like me. They are normal people that can relate to me as just another person way more than a person of the law could. I think that is probably the best way because these people can actually put themselves in your position. I think that if we had the same jury's all the time it would be screwed up. These people would stop feeling compassion. They would be less like you. You would just turn in to another case that they need to make a decision on. WHile if it were a jury of my peers these people would take it seriously. They would take the responsibility very well because them being on the jury is a one time thing.

My role in the mock trial was extremely simple. I was a recorder and I just video taped the whole thing. At first I tried to get a shot of everything. I realized that was too far away and it was hard to see everybody, also the lawyers backs would be turned to me. So I tried a different position. This one required me to move the camera back and fourth between each person talking. This was better because you could see the witnesses and the lawyers very well. The only problem was that I was directly in the way of the balif when he seated the witnesses. So I eventually just held the camera. This way I was able to walk around and get shots of different people. I would zoom in and out, all kinds of stuf. This definetly worked better. The only problem was that it was hard to keep the camera steady so the shot was slightly shaky. The weight of the camera also started hurting my hand after a while. It wasnt that the camera was so heavy, it was just the angle that it is held at that hurts your hand. As far as my reaction to the mock trial I agree that the right decision was made. Obviously he was innocent. But I think that the jury should have maybe pretended they were living in the 1600's and act according to the people of that time by charging him as guilty.

I dont think that something as radical as the witch trials could happen today. Theres no way people these days would allow for mass numbers of people to be killed off of hearsay, as well as being religiously motivated. That definitley wouldnt happen. There are to many people that wouldnt allow it. Also in the court of law these days you need a lot of evidence to put someone to death. Back in those days they just killed and killed thousands of people without any concrete evidence. So no I dont think that something that extreme could happen these days.

Trial Recount:

Jury questioning:

This part was kind of pointless. First of all everybody was already going to be on the jury so there was no reasoning for the questioning. Anyway, the questions themselves were pretty dumb as well. They were simple yes or no questions like "do you believe in witches" that were asked only once to each person, and each person was questioned at random.

Opening statements:

I am having trouble remembering what the opening statements were. I know that They were both worded quite well. They were both quite convincing, yet it was quite obvious that the defense had a much more of an argument. But the prosecution did a pretty decent job. They said things like "we can prove that this man has preformed witchcraft." when really he couldnt.

flying dog

John woke up he looked around his filthy apartment. It smelled like sweat and sex and drugs. He hated it. He really needed money. He had a son as well, they both hadn't eaten in the past two days. It was hard being an out of work photographer. He needed money pretty soon. He walked in to his sons room and saw that he was watching television. It was a cartoon about a flying dog. John suddenly had an idea. He went to the backyard and called his German Shepard inside to eat. He brought out an old can of dog food that he had been saving. The dog hadn't eaten in a while either. He dumped it in to a bowl. On top of the food he poured some lighter fluid and a handful of assorted drugs he had found lying around. That should do the trick he said. He layed the bowl on the ground and the dog devoured it. Soon after he was dead. He took the dog outside and layed him in the street. He picked some flowers from his next door neighbors yard and set them up behind the dog. He went inside and got his camera and his son. He told his son that the dog had been hit by a car and that it might come back to life if he sat on top of it as if he were riding it. So of course the crying son agreed. As he was sitting on the dog John snapped a picture. It was a dead dog on the ground with some flowers behind it and a kid sitting on top riding it. It looked like a flying dog. He went inside and developed the photo. Later that day he was able to sell the picture for 200 dollars. On his way home he decided he would go to the grocery store. But before he made it to the store he passed a dealer and couldn't resist. He bought 200 dollars worth of heroin and shot up right then on the spot.

Book report. A Million Little Pieces

Frey, James. A Million Little Pieces. United states. random house inc: April 2003

Reason, Type and Setting: Explain why you selected this book. Explain what type of book it is? (For instance, Western, adventure novel, teen romance, action, mystery, etc.) Where does you novel take place? In what time period does your book take place?
I chose to read this book because I wanted to find out what the hype was all about. Lots of people had said how much they hated the book. How it was all just a lie. How it kills memoirs. How unrealistic he is. Others told me it was good, regardless of all this. I just decided to finally read it. I wanted my own opinion about the book, not a collection of others. This book is called a memoir, but people argue that it is not.

Plot: Give an account of the books major conflicts and action. Describe the parts which interested you. Don’t include every detail, just main ideas. The plot is all about the action which takes place, the story told. The plot of a book is composed through the conflict or points of interests that call for resolution. Recount your book’s plot in this section.

The whole story mainly takes place in a rehabilitation clinic. Where the main character, James Frey, is on a journey to become sober. He was a huge drug addict and is struggling in the rehab center. He has lots of problems with discovering himself. He really just wants to kill himself. For a long time during the book he doesn't even want to look at himself in the mirror. He doesn't want to see himself in the eyes. He is afraid of confronting himself. Throughout the story he develops a relationship with another patient at the clinic named Lilly. She too has lots of problems. But they both are able to connect and become close with each other. They are both very messed up people, but they find the good in each other and find comfort in each other. During the story James is urged to follow the 12 step program. He is very hesitant to do so. He wants to become sober on his own. Not through some program. By the end he agrees to simply do a few parts of the program but him becoming sober was mainly his own will.

Character: Select a character. Describe your character’s physical appearance. What qualities does he or she possess? What roles does you character play in the plot? Why did you select this character? What interest you about the character? How did the plot change the character in the end?

James Frey. James is tall and has dark hair. At the beginning of the story he is extremely messed up. He had just fallen down a fire escape face first. He had a hole in his cheek and missing teeth. He had black eyes. Just a really messed up face. But he did heal as the story went on. He has a lot of will power. He was able to beat his addiction. That is something that is very hard to do, but he managed to do it. His role in the story is the main character. I chose this character because the story was written by him. You get a very deep insight in to his own thoughts and feelings. He is interesting because I really can't relate to him at all. Most of the time I can relate to the characters of stories in many ways. In this story I am absolutely nothing like this character. So I think that is interesting. The character changed a lot by the end of the story. He went from being a drug addict that wanted to kill himself. To a sober person that had control of their life.

Evaluation: Did you like the novel? Was it interesting? Did the book entertain you? Did it inform you? What main point about life and values did the novel make? What did it teach you? Would you recommend this book for others? Why of why not?

I liked it for the most part. Some parts I had a hard time realizing where the story was going. The book was definitely interesting and entertaining. I liked it more than catch 22, but these books are much different. This book did teach and inform me. I learned about what the life drug addict is like. I got to see how their mind is. You can tell how arrogant and stuck up he is. That is a total drug addict thing. Thinking that the world revolves around you. I would recommend this book to someone. I think you get a pretty good understanding of what the life of a drug addict is like.

How does this book compare to real life? What situations, problems, current events, or issues does this book remind you? Is this book important for others to read? Why or why not?

Well this book is like real life. This book reminds me of a friend that I had that struggled with drugs. They didn't have it as bad, but they were able to struggle through it and make the conscious decision to stop using. No this book is not important for others to read. I had never read this book up until now and I would have been fine had I not ever read this book.

Put yourself in the plot. Compare yourself with the main character. Would you have acted in the same way? What other conclusions might work for the book? How would you have wanted the book to end?

I have already said that I am nothing like the main character. He has addictive tendencies. Which I definitely do not. He is very defiant. Which I am not. And he hated his life, which I do not. I liked the ending, but I thought it was really sad that the girl he was in love with, Lilly, killed herself in the end.

Author, Context and Trivia: What others books did this author write? What do you know about that author? What other books like this one have you read? How does this one compare to those others? If you have never read a book like this before, say so. Do you plan to read more of this author or type? What have you not mention in the report above that you feel might be important? Make you case in this section.

this author only wrote this book. I know a lot about the controversy about this book. People say that it is just a big lie, and that it doesn't rely on much fact. I have never read a book like this before. I don't think I will either. One is enough for me.

essay outline

Early life
his school
and his earliest military training
P2: His involvement in the revolutionary war
P3:His involvement in all other wars
7 year war
wars in ireland
wars in india
P4: His role in polotics
what his views were
what contributions he made
why lord cornwallis was important
His greatest work

FBI project. Lord Cornwallis

The picture on the left is what he looked like during his mid forties. The picture on the right is one I have designed. Based on our studies from his family, it is believed that he would have gained an extreme amount of wight during the next 20 years as well as lost all hair. We created this image to best match these circumstances.

Brief History: Lord Cornwallis lived from 1738 to 1805 which is a pretty significant age back then. He was very involved in military as well as politics. He is actually most known by Americans for his defeat at the battle of Yorktown during the revolutionary war. This was somewhat of a turning point in the war, and this was a very important battle. He fought the majority of his wars in Ireland and India. His role in government was also quite important. Following the death of his father in 1762 he inherited a position in to the house of lords. While in the house of lords he sympathized with the American colonists and voted against the Declaratory Act in 1766 which would basically put more restrictions on the American Colonies

Lord Cornwallis was about 6 feet tall and weighed about 225 pounds. He wore custom made clothes according to his rather large weight. He had gray hair that was combed down and curled by the ears in the way many people did during this time.

Financial statements:
I was unable to track any financial statements. But he was born in to quite a wealthy family. His father, Earl Cornwallis was a member of the house of lords. So to be a lord, you needed to be quite rich.

Favorite foods:
He loved poached turkey
and bacon

Favorite drink:
when at home he often drank expensive wine from Spain. But during war he preferred coffee and whiskey.

Jewelry preference:
Lord cornwallis wore no jewelry

Embarrassing moments:
One time Lord Cornwallis was getting off of his horse in front of his entire troupe of men. While he did this a protruding nail from the saddle snagged his trousers and as he jumped off the entire back of his pants were ripped down. This caused a roar of laughter from the men. Although it was quite embarrassing for lord Cornwallis it was a quite needed moral booster for his men that led them to win their next battle.

Naughty facts – taste in women/men; affairs with other(s):
Lord Cornwallis had a wife at home in Britain, but he had a woman on the side that he fell in love with in India. her name was Ashna, she was a very pretty young girl that taught him to meditate and find his inner self. He loved his wife, but he loved the way that Ashna made him feel. His wife eventually found out and divorced him. He then married Ashna during the last years of his life.

"Commentary on Charles Cornwallis." The American Revolution. American Journey Online. Woodbridge, CT.: Primary Source Microfilm, 1999. Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. HIGH TECH CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL. 19 Dec. 2007 &contentSet=GSRC&type=retrieve&tabID=T001&prodId=SRC-1&docId=EJ2153000286&source=gale&srcprod=SRCG&userGroupName=sand07018&version=1.0>.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

creative writing

the baby

Henry and Sarah. They were a couple that had lived in the deep swampland of alabama for the last 10 years. Every day Henry would get in his boat and he would go to town for work. He was a clerk at a liquer store. His wife sarah would stay at home with the animals. They had chickens and pigs. They were convinient because they constantly reproduced, were low maintnece, and they supplied them with lots of food. Henry and Sarah were extremely poor. So poor that they couldnt even afford condoms. So they simply took the chance every time. They knew that there was no way that they could support a child, but that wasnt wort not having sex. Having little money the only fun thing to do for poor people is have sex. They would do it in the morning, during lunch when henry came home, and about 3 times at night. They felt that they were safe enough. Henry always made sure he pulled out. But they werent that safe. One day Sarah realized she was pregnant. They panicked. WHat were they gunna do. How were they going to be able to feed this baby. How were they going to be able to cloth it. they decided they would deal with it when it came. Months went on. Henry tried working extra but he only made 3 dollars an hour and that only covered the rent. Finally the baby came. It was beautiful. It was crying. It was already a pain in their ass. They lasted about a month. Henry went extremely hungry. Sarah needed to eat all of their food to keep the baby alive. It wasnt working out. Henry decided it was about time to end this. He took the baby on the boat. It started crying. Henry took it deep in to the swamp and dropped it off the boat. It was quite a relief. He drove the boat back home. Met his wife at the door, and they instantly hopped in bed.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Okay so. Right off the bat I would be thinking hell no, I dont want to do that. why should I waste 9 months of my life for some violinist to live. Ive never even met the guy, I've never even heard of him. But I really don't think that I could just walk away and let someone die just because it would be annoying for me. No matter who it was. I couldn't just walk away from a violinist, Elika, Ross, 50 cent, whoever. For the rest of my life I would feel as if I had killed someone. Some good would come out of it. All of the violinists fans would love me. The violinist would love me. I would feel good for saving his life. The violinist would probably give me a bunch of money since he's the best in the world. During this nine months I could get really good at all kinds of stuff. Video games, card tricks, holding my breath, reading, or writing. Theres so many things that I could spend my time by getting good at.

FBI people choices

my FBI peron is Lord Cornwallis

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

current event

Today at a shopping center in Nebraska a gunman opened fire on shoppers. He killed 8 people and injured 5 (2 critically) then killed himself. This occured during the afternoon when the mall was packed with christmas shoppers. There were about 35 to 40 shots apparently fired in this shooting, but only 13 found their targets.

This is an extremely sad thing to happen. These were people merely Christmas shopping that were killed. These were probably parents shopping for their kids that now don't have a parent. It's just really sad.


aggravate: basically means to annoy. Doing something annoying that makes someones mood worse. I got a picture of a kid that would extremely aggravate me if I were ever to be around him.


forte: someones forte is what they are very good at. It is like their thing. It is what they do. I chose a picture of a basketball because basketball is my forte. It is what I am very good at.


subtle: thin or small. undetected. hard to understand. mysterious. I chose to use a picture of a butterfly. Everything that butterflies do is very subtle. It is very fast quiet.


Blatant: Means something that is extremely obvious. I like this picture. It is blatant that you are not allowed to park bikes there, yet people show a blatant disregard to this rule.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Book Report. Catch-22

Heller Joseph. Catch-22. New York. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks: 1955.

Reason, Type and Setting: I chose this book because I had heard that it was a classic and that it was very good. It is a war book. But it is unlike many others. It gives war a very humorous, serious, and ironic tone. It takes place overseas on and island called Pianosa during World War II.

Plot: So this book is basically making fun of war. Or more, pointing out its ridiculousness in a humourous manner. There is a character named Yossarian. He is a pilot in the war. Basically everybody in the story, or at least all the pilots just want to go home. They don't care at all about the war. Its almost as if they don't even know that it is going on. All they are focusing on is doing the number of missions needed to be done and going home. But this turns out to be impossible because the higher ups are constantly raising the number of missions so that you can never leave. Yossarian seems to be the only one noticing that there is a war going on. He is always telling people that there is someone out to get him. Which technically was true, lots of people were out to get him. Pretty much everybody that they were fighting. Yossarian is very afraid of being killed, so he spends lots of time in the military hospital claiming he has an injury of some sort to stay safe. This is probably my favorite part of the book. Whenever he is in the hospital is always very funny. He would get the job of censoring letters getting sent out. So when given this job he would sometimes not even bother checking the letter, or sometimes he would blot out every word on the page. It was pretty funny.

Character: Nurse Duckett. Nurse Duckett is a nurse. She is described by Yossarian as prude looking, and stuck up. She is strict looking and isn't very happy. Its funny because Yossarian claims he is attracted to her, but he also says that she isn't very pretty. It was funny because he just sees her more as a woman candidate for someone that he can get with more than anything else. At first she really doesn't like Yossarian, but she becomes his lover in the end. I chose her because there was a really funny scene in the story where Yossarian does something very inappropriate to her that i wont mention. I was interested in her mainly because of that one scene. Well with the plot changing so did Yossarian, and so did her feelings for him.

Evaluation: Yes there were some things that I liked about the novel. When it had funny parts they were very funny. I also liked how stupid it made war out to be. I definitely agree with the way author spins war. It definitely did go slow at some times. It would be hard to get in to sometimes. Also I had a hard time figuring out where the story was going. I would recommend this book to certain people. I probably wouldn't recommend it to republicans I think, people that like war, probably not. But it is still definitely a very smart and funny book that I would recommend to some people.

This book really compares to real life. It is about war, and war is a huge part of our life. It tells us that war is ridiculous and nobody even knows what they are fighting for. Nobody wants to be there. That was/is war. So this of course connects to Iraq and how war is ridiculous. So in that case it is important for people to read to see that perspective of war being ridiculous.

Myself in Yossarians shoes. I could definitely see myself as a person that would do whatever it took to survive. I could definitely see myself faking injuries to keep protected. Maybe not if it was a cause that I really felt was worth dying for. But if I was Yossarian and I didn't think it was a cause worth dying for, I definitely would have acted like him.

Author, Context and Trivia:I really don't know anything about the author at all. I have never heard of any of his writings. I haven't read any world war 2 books other than ones about the holocaust. But I have read some old western type civil war stories that I really liked. I think I enjoyed those more because I was more focused on that type of lifestyle that I have always thought interesting. But in Catch 22 i wasn't really fantasizing about wishing i could have been around 50 years ago.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

current event

Last weekend sean taylor, who plays for the redskins was killed inside his own home. The article said that he was visiting his home after he had found out that his house had been robbed. When he was there, there was somebody in his house again and when sean taylor walked in he was shot. It is believed that this killing was simply from the robbery and was not motivated from anything else.

I think that this is a really sad thing. This is an extremely tragic regardless of the fact that he was a pro football player. Sean Taylor was only 24 years old. That is an extremely young age to die at.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

current event

My article was about the ten year old boy who was responsible for starting one of the fires in LA. The police department decided that the child would not be punished since he really intended no harm and there will be no future issues with him.

I think that this was the right choice. I mean right now this kid probably feels really bad, and the best thing to do would be to tell him things are okay and that he is not a bad person. Instead of putting him in juvenile hall. Right now there is no potential threat of this kid being any harm to society in the future, but if he were to be more punished then I think there would be.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Nihilism: anarchy, terrorism, or other revolutionary activity

When I saw anarchy in the definition of nihilism the first thing that came to my mind was the anarchy sign.


loquacious: talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling

I chose to put up a picture of donkey from Shrek because his character in the movie was extremely talkative.


Apathy: lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.

I thought this was a good visual representation of apathy. It is basically god just not caring about anything that is going wrong in the world.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

quilt poem

my quilt tells a story
of the life of a skateboarder
very bright and flashy
with tweety birds
and pink and black polka dots
but it is so much more than that
so much not seen by the average person
they only see the outside of a skateboarder
they instantly think delinquent
as one would look at my quilt and think GAY
a skateboarder is not out to destroy things
he is not out to hurt anyone
he is expressing himself
he is living
he is doing a sport
he is doing what he loves to do
he is having fun
he isn't causing trouble
skating is a relief of stress
skating is a rush
a thrill
a sport
not a criminal act
why do so many people hate on skateboarders
do they wish they could live that lifestyle
do they envy the "fuck you" attitude of a skater
but how would that be so
when that attitude comes from the discrimination against them
what is it that drives a skater to skate
and what is it that blocks people from seeing the deeper meaning in things
I blame global warming

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Huck Finn Response

Response to: Is Mark Twain speaking through Huck, or do you think Huck's point of view is different from Twain's? Explain.
Mark Twain writes the story Huckleberry Finn in the perspective of a naïve uneducated child. This lets Twain put a lot of the perspectives of that time period in to Huck without them even seeming like Huck, nor Twains actual opinion. Many of Huck's opinions are simply a product of the world around him. This simply lets the reader know what most people generally thought during this time. Although a large amount of Huck's opinion is based on general belief of that time, the rest I believe is Twains opinion.

Throughout the story Huck is torn between what society says and what he believes is the right thing. He knows that helping out a black person is a very wrong thing to do because he is basically stealing. But at the same time Huck feels that it is the right thing to do because Jim is a real person that Huck cares about and he doesn't see him as just property like everyone else does. This is definitely where Twain is bringing his own opinion in to the story. Twain writes the story in a way that a negative light is cast upon slavery. Twain tells it the way it really is, as a horrible thing. You can tell that twain disagrees with slavery. But he doesn't make it blatantly obvious. Because Twains readers during his time would have been very reluctant to read his book if it had purely been about how slavery was wrong. So he needed to slip it in there. To give the reader that opinion without them even knowing it. He made Jim the only real true pure character in the book. Yet you don't really realize that unless you really think about it. Huck's opinion about slavery is a huge part of Twains opinion in this case.

So throughout the story Twain is speaking his own opinion through Huck. Twain didn't have to agree with everything Huck said in the story for it to still agree with Twains opinions. I would definitely say that Twain did a very good job at this. It really didn't seem like Huck's views were really that of Mark Twains, but it really does make sense when you think about it.

Although Twain speaks his own opinion through Huck in some cases, in others Huck's opinion is simply that of the general population during that time. But it isn't necessarily that in these cases Huck's opinion differs from that of Twains. This could still be looked at as Twains opinion, it is simply Mark Twains opinion of what most people thought then. So Twains opinion still shows when Huck says something that, for example, promotes slavery. Because Twains opinion could be that Huck's argument is a very ignorant one and he felt that many people had this belief during that time and he wanted that belief to be a very weak argument towards slavery when told by Huck.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


precipitous: extremely or impassably steep

The definition of precipitous is extremely steep. When thinking of something extremely steep the grand canyon instantly comes to mind.


Bias: a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice.

This is a picture of a black man facing an all white jury. When I thought of Bias I thought of a jury that would be biased against the defendant.


plagiarize: the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.

I chose a picture of Professor Gilderoy Lockheart from Harry Potter. Basically his character in the story is a famous person that has stolen the works of many other people and taken it as his own. So this is pretty much the essence of plagiarism, not only is he stealing other peoples works, he is building his entire reputation off of things he never did

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


stereotype - a generalization; preconceived notion. At first when I thought of stereotype I thought of the way Viktor says that all Americans are fat. So I wanted to do a picture of a fat person, but then I also realized that a lot of people have the idea that all Americans are rich. So i decided to put a rich persons face on a fat person.


Tariff - bill; cost; charge. Whenever I think of a Tariff, I think of the Boston Tea Party. This was a direct result of an unfair tariff placed on tea by Britain at the time, and the Boston Tea Party was a result of that.


Guerrilla - A member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and

harassment. After researching the definition of guerilla and after looking for examples of guerilla warfare. It was repeatedly stated that Che Guevara is the essence of guerilla warfare. He believed in communism and fought with a small group of people against an entire government.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Joey John Vito junior (creative writing)

This mans name is Joey John Vito junior. He works for the mafia as a bodyguard/hit man. He does lots of casino work. His family, the Vito's owns a hotel with a casino in it. Lots of shady business goes on around there, and it seems like someone always needs to be killed. He keeps 4 glock nines on him at all times. Two at his waist, and two on the inside of his coat jacket. He also carries a small gun around his ankle as well as one underneath his hat. Right now he is working on a very specific job. He has been following somebody that owes the Vito family money for about 2 weeks. Basically some guy came in to the casino. Lost a bunch of money, then payed in what seemed to be legit cash which turned out to be fake. So Joey's family thinks this fake money is coming from the Fertelli family because they have been getting a lot of it coming through the casino. Since the original guy had brought the most amount of fake money in the family figured he must be directly connected. So Joey decided to volunteer to follow him around until they found out who the fake money is coming from. Today Joey was following him around on the subway when al the sudden the man threw a briefcase at joey and ran through the subway door just as it was closing. Joey was hit in the lower stomach, as you can see it is extremely swelled up. Anyway rather than loosing the guy that had slipped in fake money to the casino he decided he needed to take him out. He quickly pulled out his glock nine and fired right as the subway pulled away. Before the windows turned black from the side walls Joey managed to see to the body drop as the bullet went straight through the mans head. He waited on the subway with a car full of scared passengers until they arrived at the next station. He then got out of the subway to see four policeman waiting for him. He pulled out his gun and fired at the two on the right. They instantly dropped. The remaining policeman began firing at Joey as he rolled on the ground. He grabbed his small gun from his ankle and fired at the two men. The two of them also fell. Joey got up and casually walked through the subway terminal.