Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Huck Finn Response
Mark Twain writes the story Huckleberry Finn in the perspective of a naïve uneducated child. This lets Twain put a lot of the perspectives of that time period in to Huck without them even seeming like Huck, nor Twains actual opinion. Many of Huck's opinions are simply a product of the world around him. This simply lets the reader know what most people generally thought during this time. Although a large amount of Huck's opinion is based on general belief of that time, the rest I believe is Twains opinion.
Throughout the story Huck is torn between what society says and what he believes is the right thing. He knows that helping out a black person is a very wrong thing to do because he is basically stealing. But at the same time Huck feels that it is the right thing to do because Jim is a real person that Huck cares about and he doesn't see him as just property like everyone else does. This is definitely where Twain is bringing his own opinion in to the story. Twain writes the story in a way that a negative light is cast upon slavery. Twain tells it the way it really is, as a horrible thing. You can tell that twain disagrees with slavery. But he doesn't make it blatantly obvious. Because Twains readers during his time would have been very reluctant to read his book if it had purely been about how slavery was wrong. So he needed to slip it in there. To give the reader that opinion without them even knowing it. He made Jim the only real true pure character in the book. Yet you don't really realize that unless you really think about it. Huck's opinion about slavery is a huge part of Twains opinion in this case.
So throughout the story Twain is speaking his own opinion through Huck. Twain didn't have to agree with everything Huck said in the story for it to still agree with Twains opinions. I would definitely say that Twain did a very good job at this. It really didn't seem like Huck's views were really that of Mark Twains, but it really does make sense when you think about it.
Although Twain speaks his own opinion through Huck in some cases, in others Huck's opinion is simply that of the general population during that time. But it isn't necessarily that in these cases Huck's opinion differs from that of Twains. This could still be looked at as Twains opinion, it is simply Mark Twains opinion of what most people thought then. So Twains opinion still shows when Huck says something that, for example, promotes slavery. Because Twains opinion could be that Huck's argument is a very ignorant one and he felt that many people had this belief during that time and he wanted that belief to be a very weak argument towards slavery when told by Huck.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
plagiarize: the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
I chose a picture of Professor Gilderoy Lockheart from Harry Potter. Basically his character in the story is a famous person that has stolen the works of many other people and taken it as his own. So this is pretty much the essence of plagiarism, not only is he stealing other peoples works, he is building his entire reputation off of things he never did
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

stereotype - a generalization; preconceived notion. At first when I thought of stereotype I thought of the way Viktor says that all Americans are fat. So I wanted to do a picture of a fat person, but then I also realized that a lot of people have the idea that all Americans are rich. So i decided to put a rich persons face on a fat person.
Guerrilla - A member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and
harassment. After researching the definition of guerilla and after looking for examples of guerilla warfare. It was repeatedly stated that Che Guevara is the essence of guerilla warfare. He believed in communism and fought with a small group of people against an entire government.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Joey John Vito junior (creative writing)
This mans name is Joey John Vito junior. He works for the mafia as a bodyguard/hit man. He does lots of casino work. His family, the Vito's owns a hotel with a casino in it. Lots of shady business goes on around there, and it seems like someone always needs to be killed. He keeps 4 glock nines on him at all times. Two at his waist, and two on the inside of his coat jacket. He also carries a small gun around his ankle as well as one underneath his hat. Right now he is working on a very specific job. He has been following somebody that owes the Vito family money for about 2 weeks. Basically some guy came in to the casino. Lost a bunch of money, then payed in what seemed to be legit cash which turned out to be fake. So Joey's family thinks this fake money is coming from the Fertelli family because they have been getting a lot of it coming through the casino. Since the original guy had brought the most amount of fake money in the family figured he must be directly connected. So Joey decided to volunteer to follow him around until they found out who the fake money is coming from. Today Joey was following him around on the subway when al the sudden the man threw a briefcase at joey and ran through the subway door just as it was closing. Joey was hit in the lower stomach, as you can see it is extremely swelled up. Anyway rather than loosing the guy that had slipped in fake money to the casino he decided he needed to take him out. He quickly pulled out his glock nine and fired right as the subway pulled away. Before the windows turned black from the side walls Joey managed to see to the body drop as the bullet went straight through the mans head. He waited on the subway with a car full of scared passengers until they arrived at the next station. He then got out of the subway to see four policeman waiting for him. He pulled out his gun and fired at the two on the right. They instantly dropped. The remaining policeman began firing at Joey as he rolled on the ground. He grabbed his small gun from his ankle and fired at the two men. The two of them also fell. Joey got up and casually walked through the subway terminal.